Inspiring Experiences merupakan rangkaian kegiatan dan layanan untuk mahasiswa International Program (IP) Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (PSHI) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)
Getting to Know International Program of International Relations
Established in 2018, International Program of International Relations (IP of IR) is designed to prepare students with an international mindset and readiness not only to face challenges but also to become a leader in the global era. Students not only study intergovernmental relations, but also focus on various other issues ranging from political economy, security, conflict and peace, to issues in various regions that are of interest in the global world.
Graduates of IP of IR have extensive opportunities to contribute to the world and their communities and be a leader in their chosen fields. Bachelor degree holder of International Relations of UII, both IP and regular program, has the potential for a career as actors in diplomacy, actors in multinational economy, actors in empowerment or actors in literacy. This means the options for a career for IR graduates are ranging from diplomats, officials in government or non-governmental institutions, officials in multinational companies, journalists, activists, analysts, researchers, and various others.
Study in International Program of International Relations
Students of International Program in the Department of International Relations are exposed to a rigorous academic atmosphere. It focuses on student-centered learning where students’ active participation is highly valued. Students are not only learning by the book, but also through extensive exercise in order to improve practical skills such as negotiation, public speaking, critical thinking, strategic problem solving, and constructive competitiveness.
The length of the program is from 3.5 to 4 years (7-8 semesters) with a total credit of 144. Students are required to take 85 credits of compulsory courses, 2 credits of community service, 6 credits of undergraduate thesis, and 51 credits of elective courses which they are free to choose from 33 courses offered in the curriculum.
The program is offered with English as the language of instruction, and the quality of the classroom is assured by keeping the number of students to no more than 35. For elective courses, the number of students participating in the class can even be smaller, ranging from 25 to as small as one student. The Department of International Relations makes sure all students are facilitated to every course they are interested in, and the small number of students is important in keeping the high quality of their study, where lecturers can provide an optimal learning environment.
Inspiring Experience
The students of the International Program are also exclusively supported by various facilities to make the most of their experience during their study. In the beginning of their study, students are required to enroll in Bridging Program, where they will learn academic writing, reading, and presentation skills. Since the first year of their enrollment, students’ language skills are also monitored by requiring them to participate in English proficiency test, which will be held annually until the final year of their study. Students are also expected to maintain a continuous improvement and set a target to reach a certain level of proficiency before they graduate.
To expand their learning resources, students are provided with books from international publishers such as Taylor & Francis and Bloomsbury, which are curated exclusively by lecturers teaching in International Program, and are continuously updated every semester. Not only that, to enhance the global standard of the students’ learning experience, they are also facilitated with visiting professors from top 500 universities in the world.
To ease the learning experience, the Department of International Relations is working on providing academic mentors exclusively for IP students, in order to enhance assistance for their study. In preparing the students for their future careers, the department is also initiating a career mentoring program as well as introducing them to professionals and experts through guest lectures and other forums to inspire them and prepare them to be the future leaders.
Global Exposure for Aspire Global Leaders
Being a student in International Relations means an extensive exposure to global experience, and being in International Program means a more expanded opportunity to be exposed to such experience. IP students are facilitated in various opportunities of global experience which would broaden their perspective as well as cultural understanding. Programs and activities joined by IP students include Civil Education Networking in Asia (CENA), Passage to ASEAN (P2A), Japan Association of Human Security Studies (JAHSS) International Conference, and many other international conferences and exchanges.