Berikut ini adalah alur pengambilan mata kuliah serta daftar mata kuliah yang ada di Program Studi Hubungan Internasional berdasarkan Kurikulum 2022.
Below is the structure of courses to enroll and list of courses available at the Department of International Relations based on the 2022 Curriculum.
Tabel di bawah ini berfungsi untuk memberikan daftar mata kuliah wajib, mata kuliah pilihan, serta gambaran jumlah sks per semester yang dapat diambil di Program Studi Hubungan Internasional. | The tables below provide a list of compulsory courses, elective courses, as well as the number of credits per semester students can take in the Department of International Relations. |
Mahasiswa dimungkinkan untuk mengambil mata kuliah pilihan sejak semester 3. Apabila memenuhi syarat untuk mengambil di atas 18 SKS, maka dapat mengambil mata kuliah pilihan lebih banyak di setiap semesternya, dengan maksimal total SKS yang diambil setiap semester adalah 24 SKS. | Students are allowed to take elective courses starting from the third semester. If you are eligible to take more than 18 credits per semester, it is possible to take numbers of elective courses with a maximum total of 24 credits for every semester. |
Mahasiswa yang gagal dalam mata kuliah tertentu dapat mengulang dengan mengambil kembali di semester di mana mata kuliah yang dimaksud ditawarkan. Waktu pengulangan mata kuliah ditentukan oleh mahasiswa secara mandiri. | If you fail in a certain course, you can retake it in the semester where the course is offered. The schedule of course retake is decided independently. |
Jumlah SKS yang harus diambil untuk menyelesaikan studi adalah 144 SKS dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut: 73 SKS mata kuliah wajib + 63 SKS mata kuliah pilihan + 2 SKS KKN + 6 SKS Skripsi. | The total credits to complete your study is 144 credits with details as follows: 73 credits for compulsory courses + 63 credits for elective courses + 2 credits for Community Development Participation + 6 credits for Academic Writing. |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 20 | ||
1 | UNI600 | Pendidikan Agama Islam Islamic Religion | 2 |
2 | UNI603 | Pendidikan Pancasila Pancasila | 2 |
3 | UNI606 | Bahasa Inggris dan Bidang Ilmu English for International Relations | 2 |
4 | UNI607 | Bahasa Indonesia untuk Komunikasi Ilmiah Indonesian Language for Academic Purpose | 2 |
5 | SHI101 | Pengantar Hubungan Internasional Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
6 | SHI102 | Pengantar Ilmu Politik Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
7 | SHI103 | Pengantar Diplomasi Introduction to Diplomacy | 3 |
8 | SHI104 | Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Indonesia’s Foreign Policy | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 20 | ||
1 | UNI601 | Islam Ulil Albab Islami Ulil Albab | 3 |
2 | UNI604 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Civics | 2 |
3 | UNI605 | Kewirausahaan Syariah Shari’a Entrepreneurship | 2 |
4 | SHI201 | Hukum Internasional International Law | 3 |
5 | SHI202 | Praktik Diplomasi Practices in Diplomacy | 4 |
6 | SHI203 | Teori Hubungan Internasional Theories of International Relations | 3 |
7 | SHI204 | Statistika Terapan dalam Hubungan Internasional Statistics in International Relations | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 18 | ||
1 | UNI602 | Islam Rahmatan Lil’alamin Islam Rahmatan Lil’alamin | 3 |
2 | SHI301 | Metodologi Riset Hubungan Internasional Research Methodology in International Relations | 3 |
3 | SHI302 | Organisasi dan Rezim Internasional International Organizations and Regimes | 3 |
4 | SHI303 | Pengantar Studi Kawasan Introduction to Area Studies | 3 |
5 | SHI304 | Ekonomi Politik Global Global Political Economy | 3 |
6 | SHI305 | Sejarah Global Global History | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 18 | ||
1 | SHI401 | Keamanan Internasional International Security | 3 |
2 | SHI402 | Studi Hak Asasi Manusia Study of Human Rights | 3 |
3 | SHI403 | Ekonomi Politik Inovasi Political Economy of Innovation | 3 |
4 | SHI404 | Globalisasi, Kapitalisme, dan Kesejahteraan Globalisation, Capitalism, and Welfare | 3 |
5 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
6 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 18 | ||
1 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
2 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
3 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
4 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
5 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
6 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 18 | ||
1 | SHI601 | Metodologi Penulisan Tugas Akhir Method for Undergraduate Thesis Writing | 3 |
2 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
3 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
4 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
5 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
6 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 17 | ||
1 | UNI608 | Kuliah Kerja Nyata Community Development Participation | 2 |
2 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
3 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
4 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
5 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
6 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
Total | 15 | ||
1 | UNI609 | Karya Ilmiah Academic Writing | 6 |
2 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
3 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 | |
4 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan Elective Course | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
1 | SHI311 | Politik Perdagangan dan Investasi Global Politics of Global Trade and Investments | 3 |
2 | SHI312 | Teori dan Perspektif dalam Ekonomi Politik Global Theories and Perspectives in Global Political Economy | 3 |
3 | SHI313 | Negara Selatan dan Perkembangan Peran Perusahaan Multinasional Global South and the Rising Multinational Corporations | 3 |
4 | SHI314 | Politik Lingkungan dalam Hubungan Internasional Environmental Politics in International Relations | 3 |
5 | SHI315 | Ekonomi Politik Perusahaan Multinasional The Political Economy of MNCs | 3 |
6 | SHI321 | Hukum Humaniter Internasional International Humanitarian Law | 3 |
7 | SHI322 | Pengantar Studi Perdamaian dan Konflik Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies | 3 |
8 | SHI323 | Aksi Kemanusiaan Global Global Humanitarian Action | 3 |
9 | SHI324 | Keamanan Manusia Human Security | 3 |
10 | SHI325 | Politik Migrasi Global Politics of Global Migration | 3 |
11 | SHI331 | Studi Amerika Serikat Study of the United States of America | 3 |
12 | SHI332 | Studi Tiongkok Study of China | 3 |
13 | SHI333 | Studi Australia Study of Australia | 3 |
14 | SHI334 | Studi Kawasan Timur Tengah Area Studies of Middle East | 3 |
15 | SHI335 | Studi Terorisme Global Global Terrorism Studies | 3 |
16 | SHI336 | Studi Kawasan Asia Tenggara Area Studies of Southeast Asia | 3 |
17 | SHI341 | Media dan Hubungan Internasional Media and International Relations | 3 |
18 | SHI342 | Islam, Demokrasi, dan Multikulturalisme Islam, Democracy, and Multiculturalism | 3 |
19 | SHI343 | Negosiasi dalam Hubungan Internasional Negotiation in International Relations | 3 |
20 | SHI344 | Politik Dunia Siber Politics of the Cyber World | 3 |
21 | SHI345 | Politik Kerja Sama Internasional Politics of International Cooperation | 3 |
22 | SHI346 | Sejarah Islam Global Global History of Islam | 3 |
23 | SHI411 | Ekonomi Politik Pembangunan The Political Economy of Development | 3 |
24 | SHI412 | Capaian Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Sustainable Development Goals | 3 |
25 | SHI413 | Politik Moneter dan Keuangan Global Politics of Global Monetary and Finance | 3 |
26 | SHI414 | Praktik Diplomasi Bisnis Practice of Business Diplomacy | 3 |
27 | SHI415 | Peninjauan Ulang HAM dan Pembangunan Global Rethinking Rights and Global Development | 3 |
28 | SHI416 | Analisis Data Ekonomi dan Politik dalam Ranah Praktis Analysing political and economic data in the real-world | 3 |
29 | SHI417 | Ekonomi Islam Global Global Islamic Economy | 3 |
30 | SHI421 | Politik Kesehatan Global Politics of Global Health | 3 |
31 | SHI422 | Politik Energi Global Politics of Global Energy | 3 |
32 | SHI423 | Agama dan Hubungan Internasional Religions and International Relations | 3 |
33 | SHI424 | Community Development in International Relations Community Development in International Relations | 3 |
34 | SHI425 | Politik Global Disabilitas Global Politics of Disabilities | 3 |
35 | SHI426 | Gender dan Politik Gender and Politics | 3 |
36 | SHI427 | Gerakan Sosial Islam Islamic Social Movement | 3 |
37 | SHI431 | Pembentukan Negara dan Kelompok Negara Rentan State Building and Fragile State | 3 |
38 | SHI432 | Internalisasi Maqasid dalam Hubungan Internasional Internalization of Maqasid in International Relations | 3 |
39 | SHI433 | Studi ASEAN ASEAN Studies | 3 |
40 | SHI434 | Studi Kawasan Afrika Area Studies of Africa | 3 |
41 | SHI435 | Studi Kawasan Asia Timur Area Studies of East Asia | 3 |
42 | SHI436 | Studi Kawasan Asia Selatan Area Studies of South Asia | 3 |
43 | SHI437 | Studi Kawasan Amerika Latin Area Studies of Latin America | 3 |
44 | SHI438 | Studi Kawasan Eropa Area Studies of Europe | 3 |
45 | SHI439 | Studi Uni Eropa European Union Studies | 3 |
46 | SHI441 | Diplomasi Publik Public Diplomacy | 3 |
47 | SHI442 | Identitas dan Budaya dalam Hubungan Internasional Culture and Identity in International Relations | 3 |
48 | SHI443 | Gerakan Sosial Social Movement | 3 |
49 | SHI444 | Politik Kelompok Lobi Global Politics of Global Lobby Groups | 3 |
50 | SHI445 | Komunikasi Politik dalam Hubungan Internasional Political Communication in International Relations | 3 |
51 | SHI446 | Kerja Sama Islam Internasional Islamic International Cooperation | 3 |
52 | SHI551 | Lokakarya Studi Global Politik Internasional Workshop on Global Studies of International Politics | 3 |
53 | SHI552 | Lokakarya Studi Global Diplomasi dan Tata Kelola Global Workshop on Global Studies of Diplomacy and Global Governance | 3 |
54 | SHI553 | Lokakarya Studi Global Masyarakat Sipil dan Pemberdayaan Workshop on Global Studies of Civil Society and Empowerment | 3 |
55 | SHI554 | Lokakarya Studi Global Ekonomi Politik Global Workshop on Global Studies of Global Political Economy | 3 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
1 | SHI711 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 1 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 1 | 3 |
2 | SHI712 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 1 Internship in business/industry 1 | 3 |
3 | SHI713 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 1 Internship in research Institution 1 | 3 |
4 | SHI714 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 1 Internship in Advocacy Institution 1 | 3 |
5 | SHI715 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 2 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 2 | 6 |
6 | SHI716 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 2 Internship in business/industry 2 | 6 |
7 | SHI717 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 2 Internship in research Institution 2 | 6 |
8 | SHI718 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 2 Internship in Advocacy Institution 2 | 6 |
9 | SHI719 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 3 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 3 | 9 |
10 | SHI720 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 3 Internship in business/industry 3 | 9 |
11 | SHI721 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 3 Internship in research Institution 3 | 9 |
12 | SHI722 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 3 Internship in Advocacy Institution 3 | 9 |
13 | SHI723 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 4 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 4 | 12 |
14 | SHI724 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 4 Internship in business/industry 4 | 12 |
15 | SHI725 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 4 Internship in research Institution 4 | 12 |
16 | SHI726 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 4 Internship in Advocacy Institution 4 | 12 |
17 | SHI727 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 5 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 5 | 15 |
18 | SHI728 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 5 Internship in business/industry 5 | 15 |
19 | SHI729 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 5 Internship in research Institution 5 | 15 |
20 | SHI730 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 5 Internship in Advocacy Institution 5 | 15 |
21 | SHI731 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 6 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 6 | 18 |
22 | SHI732 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 6 Internship in business/industry 6 | 18 |
23 | SHI733 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 6 Internship in research Institution 6 | 18 |
24 | SHI734 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 6 Internship in Advocacy Institution 6 | 18 |
25 | SHI735 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Instansi Diplomatik 7 Internship in Diplomatic Institution 7 | 21 |
26 | SHI736 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga/Dunia Usaha & Dunia Industri 7 Internship in business/industry 7 | 21 |
27 | SHI737 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Riset & Literasi 7 Internship in research Institution 7 | 21 |
28 | SHI738 | Praktik Kerja Lembaga Advokasi 7 Internship in Advocacy Institution 7 | 21 |
No. | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS (Credits) |
1 | SHI739 | Studi Independen 1 Independent Study 1 | 3 |
2 | SHI740 | Studi Independen 2 Independent Study 2 | 6 |
3 | SHI741 | Studi Independen 3 Independent Study 3 | 9 |
4 | SHI742 | Studi Independen 4 Independent Study 4 | 12 |
5 | SHI743 | Studi Independen 5 Independent Study 5 | 15 |
6 | SHI744 | Studi Independen 6 Independent Study 6 | 18 |
7 | SHI745 | Studi Independen 7 Independent Study 7 | 21 |